

JoAnne Lussier

Summer Salad

Okay, it’s been a hot summer. I’m not complaining because winter will be knocking on our door before we know it. I am not ready for cold weather, bare trees, and lifeless gardens. However, it’s a bit daunting to prepare meals in a hot kitchen night after night during these summer months, so I am always looking for new recipes that make quick, simple meals. If you like salads, have you ever ventured into your backyard or flower garden to see what plants are edible? In the spring, we have violets, dandelions, and forsythia. The nasturtiums I planted from seed earlier this year are in full bloom right now and add a nice pop of orange color to some of their companion plants that are in the faded glory stage of their lives.  If you have ever wondered what plant has leaves that look like mini lily pads, that is nasturtium.  These beauties are also edible and make for a great splash of color and taste in a summer salad.

It Tastes Like What?

So, what does nasturtium taste like? I recommend that you find out for yourself because it’s always fun to experiment with new textures and flavors. Nasturtium leaves, flowers, and seeds have a bit of a peppery taste, so they make a great garnish on a bed of lettuce. Some have likened their taste to spicy, mustard-like, and even wasabi-ish. My personal opinion is that they taste like a raw string bean with a hint of radish adding just a little kick after you start chewing it. Obviously, you want to use them sparingly as to not overwhelm your taste buds. Still good though, right?

Easy Breezy Summer Salad

I’ve never been one to follow recipes. I think of recipes as more of a guide. I let my intuition do the rest. Most of the time, it comes out tasty. The downside is that I can rarely duplicate it if I really like it just as it is. When I am in the kitchen cooking, I’m either improvising with what I have on hand or tweaking the recipe to suit my personal tastes. It’s kind of a running joke in my family that you’ll never get the same thing twice.

I love all kinds of salads. It’s probably my most desired type of food if I had to choose one. Salads are fairly forgiving and you can add or eliminate ingredients as you wish. If it looks good and it’s fresh, I will eat it. I suppose that means I like rabbit food, huh? Anyway, if you use a more traditional recipe, try tossing some nasturtium leaves into your greens and sprinkling some nasturtium blossoms on top. It may be a subtle enough variation to spice up an old favorite when drizzled with a light vinaigrette dressing such as apple cider, balsamic, or champagne. It’s just as easy to create your own dressing and spice it up with salt, pepper, garlic, and your choice of mustard if you want to enhance the flavor. Sometimes less is more especially on a hot day or you are serving it to guests, but if you can find the right combination for your palate, then go for it.

Since I mentioned that I am not faithful about following recipes, I am simply going to give you some ideas that may help jumpstart your own recipe. It’s your salad, so make it however you wish!

Ingredient Ideas

Traditional leafy greens such as those included in a spring mix

Nasturtium leaves and flowers

Mixed cherry tomatoes

Pea pods

Walnuts, slivered almonds, pepitas, or pistachios for crunch

Dried cranberries, dates, or raisins for a chewy texture

Strawberries or mandarin orange slices for sweetness and color

If you want this to be your main dish, top with grilled chicken, steak, or shrimp. Enjoy!