Valentine's Day Essential Oil Blends

A Month of Intimacy

JoAnne Lussier

It’s More Than Just a Day

Some people love Valentine’s Day while other people hate it. I guess it depends which side of the coin you are on at this time of year. Social media puts a lot of pressure on us suggesting that there is something amiss if you don’t have a partner or that you should be giving flowers, jewelry, or candy and making reservations at an expensive restaurant if you are coupled with someone. Valentine’s Day is a big money-making holiday for retailers, so they are more caught up on their bottom line than the quality of your love life. So where do you fit into all this? I don’t think it’s a gender thing. I know men who do thoughtful things for their partner and women who would much rather forget the day exists. I sense that it is more about your willingness to express how you feel and Valentine’s Day just happens to give you a reason. I know some couples who agree that celebrating the holiday is just about spending time together and other couples who choose not to celebrate it at all. Whatever your feelings or preferences are for the holiday of love, you can still enjoy that red mark on the calendar without buying into it and going broke.

Self-Indulgence is a Good Thing

Whether you are single or in a relationship, doing things that evoke a sense of self-indulgence is never a bad thing. We are creatures who react to sensation and smells. By incorporating scents and sensory stimulation into your environment, whether it be your tub or your bedroom, you choose to love yourself and/or your partner with a little something extra regardless of what time of year it is.

I am big fan of essential oils, massages, and mood music. My favorite indulgence is getting a massage where all my sensory needs are met with absolutely no expectations of a happy ending, if you know what I mean. It is unfortunate that massage therapy is considered a luxury in our society when it is an imperative resource for overall well-being. I am a huge advocate of human touch, which is why I offer hands-on Reiki sessions. Just the act of touch is beneficial in and of itself. If nothing else this year, treat yourself to a massage. You won’t regret it.

Essential Oil Blends For the One You Love

For you DIYers out there, I will share some recipes that you can use on yourself or with a partner. I have said this before and I will say it again, quality essential oils are expensive but a little goes a long way. Invest in a few oils you really like and learn how to blend. You do not need to purchase blends once you know how make your own. Honestly, it’s not that hard. The initial investment is a bit costly, but you can use the oils for more than their scent factor.


10 drops sandalwood

10 drops white fir

6 drops clary sage

4 drops ylang ylang

Add essential oils to a spray bottle (glass is best) and fill with water. You may add a splash of vodka or witch hazel to extend shelf life. Spray on sheets and pillows about 20 minutes before going to bed.


2 drops geranium

3 drops sandalwood

2 drops ylang ylang

3 drops clary sage

1 drop patchouli

¼ cup fractionated coconut oil or unscented lotion

Mix together and massage on skin. A word of caution: Essential oils and latex are not a safe combination unless you want to increase your chances of a little bundle later on in the year.


2 drops white fir

1 drop cinnamon

1 drop patchouli

2 drops sandalwood

2 drops ylang ylang

Add to your diffuser and begin diffusing 30 minutes before bedtime or while taking a bath.

You Decide What Works For You

Any of these blends can be altered to your specific liking. You don’t need to have all the oils in these recipes to acquire a scent you like. Try mixing and matching or adding or deleting oils. This is what is so nice about essential oils. Once you begin experimenting with blends you like, the possibilities are endless.

My hope for you this Valentine’s Day is that you simply take some time to do something special for yourself and/or your partner no matter what it is. Enjoy!

Too Busy for Romance?

Is life too busy to even think about romance? Check out my blog for helpful hints that may get those love fires burning again!