
All Things Cranberry

JoAnne Lussier

Ready for the Holidays?

Are you ready for the holidays yet? Presents bought, wrapped, and ready to go? Yeah…no! Somehow the season of love and lights creeps up on us with record speed, so don’t despair because you aren’t alone. As anticipated and wonderful this time of year can be, it can also be considerably stressful when trying to juggle work, family, shopping, baking, and holiday plans. Throw in travel or overnight guests and that is enough to send even the most organized person over the edge. So, why do we do it? That answer may vary but in the end, it’s because family and friends matter to us and it’s an occasion to celebrate each other.

Let’s face it, holidays can bring out the best and worst in us. Obligations to family and friends not only stretch our patience but our wallet as well. Commercializing holidays for profit is the big elephant taking up far too much space in living rooms all over the world. It’s unfortunate that gift-giving is so closely attached to price tags and name brands. What ever happened to “giving from the heart” and “it’s the thought that counts”? Giving gifts shouldn’t break the bank or cause so much stress and fatigue that we end up wishing the holiday was over before it even begins. Sadly, many of us can relate to that and it jades us whether we admit it or not.

Gift Giving From the Heart

I personally like to give gifts that I know someone would truly enjoy. I take mental notes all year of conversations about likes and dislikes and wishes for this, that, or the other thing. It’s a win-win and relatively easy to accomplish if you pay attention. Other gifts I love to give are practical or crafty. I think these types of gifts are grossly underrated. How can you go wrong giving someone something they need and will use as opposed to something that will end up in the garbage or stuffed away in the back of a closet? What a waste!

Over the years, I have found that people love homemade gifts. These gifts can be practical, crafty, and even heart-felt. Remember when you were a kid and made your parents gifts or drew them pictures? You were so proud of the finger-painted turkey at Thanksgiving, the popsicle stick ornament they gently placed on the Christmas tree, or the handmade cards crafted from construction paper that they lovingly put on the refrigerator for all to see. These gifts were made with love. They were simple and inexpensive but meant so much.

We can still offer handmade gifts as adults. There’s no age limit saying we can’t. In fact, I believe it sends a message that you cared enough to take the time to make them something that didn’t come from a store.  Keep it simple. Keep it thoughtful. You can’t go wrong.

Quick and Easy Festive Recipes

‘Tis the season of cranberries, so I am going to share a few quick and easy, last–minute recipes that may help you give the perfect gift for a friend, coworker, or as a hostess gift if you are going to a party or dinner. They are easy, inexpensive, practical, crafty, and made with love.  Here goes…

Cranberry Orange Infused Vodka

1 bag (12 ounces) of fresh cranberries

Juice of one orange or 3 TBLS water

1/3 cup sugar

Orange peel from one orange cut in several pieces

Vodka 750 mL bottle or 3 cups

In a small saucepan, heat the cranberries, sugar, and water/juice until sugar is dissolved and cranberries begin to pop, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and cool until no more steam is visible. Pour into a large glass jar. Add vodka and orange peel. Cover and keep at room temperature for 1-4 weeks. Infusion may be consumed after one week allowing flavors to mingle. The longer it steeps, the stronger the infusion, so check periodically for desired flavor. Strain and put into decorative jars for gift giving or give immediately with directions for storage and straining.

Cranberry Lime Vodka

1 bag (12 ounces) of fresh cranberries

2 limes

One bottle of vodka

Although a bit tedious, poke holes in cranberries to increase absorption of alcohol and enhance color and flavor. With a vegetable peeler, carefully peel rind only off both limes trying to get long strips. In a decorative bottle or several, gift-sized mason jars, begin layering lime peels and cranberries until the jar is half full. Fill to the top with vodka and let sit for about 2-4 weeks. The vodka will begin changing to a festive red color. Store at room temperature until ready to strain. This makes a lovely, quick gift because it is so pretty and can be made at the last minute. Just be sure to add a decorative tag with storage and straining instructions.

Basic Cranberry Spread

1-2 tablespoons fresh, chopped cranberries

1 cup softened butter

1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

1/8 teaspoon garlic powder

1/8 teaspoon onion powder

In a food processor or small mixing bowl, beat ingredients together until incorporated. Spoon into a small mason jar and store in refrigerator until ready to give. If you want to impress your guests, scoop mixture onto plastic wrap and roll into a log about 1.5 inches around in diameter. Chill until firm and then slice into individual rounds and arrange on a serving plate. Serve with meat, stuffing, or fresh sliced bread.

Basic Cranberry Dessert Spread

1-2 tablespoons fresh, chopped cranberries

1 cup softened butter

1 tablespoon orange or lemon peel

1 tablespoon crushed pecans or walnuts

Follow instructions above and serve with quick bread, muffins, pancakes, or toast.

*In a pinch, you may substitute whole canned cranberry sauce for either recipe, but be careful with liquid content from canned sauce. You don’t want your spread to be so loose that it doesn’t firm up in the refrigerator to allow for slicing.  As always, these are basic recipes and additions, substitutions, or omissions are perfectly acceptable to match your taste.

Happy holidays to each and every one of you.