Curse? What Curse?
There is something mysterious about card readings, which makes people curious. But what happens when curiosity leads to anxiety or even fear? This is exactly what happened to a new client I met last week. A local store owner was kind enough to refer me to one of her customers. This woman called me and inquired about wanting a reading done, so we discussed what would be a good fit for her since she hadn’t visited my website for any descriptions. Upon speaking with her, I learned that she had two previous readings and was told she had a curse put on her. “Whoa, stop right there! Curse, what kind of curse?” I asked. She didn’t know why or what or how to remove it. That’s downright scary if you ask me. She mentioned that she had a few experiences seeing shadows and felt scared even though they weren’t harming her. I don’t like getting too much information before a reading, so we set up an appointment and met a few days later.
The Pendulum Swings
Every card reader has their own style and method of preparation. I always take some time to meditate prior to each reading to ground myself, clear the energy, and ask if there is something I need to know for the reading. I typically use my pendulum to determine which decks to use and pull an anchor card to determine the energy surrounding the querent and their reading. For this client, I needed to pull several cards to determine the presence of a curse. Each card eliminated, confirmed, or clarified the question before it. The cards clearly indicated that a curse was unlikely but that spirits were certainly present. I prepared my table and waited for my client’s appointment.
The Curse
My client was an older woman. Why does that matter? It matters because she’s had a lot of life experience and is less likely to have the wool pulled over her eyes. When I do Sacred Alignment Readings, I use multiple decks and encourage the querent to be an active part of the reading. After she pulled all her cards, I immediately saw a pattern between the various decks. We discussed what the cards meant, and she validated the information I was receiving. But what about the curse? Nothing was surfacing about a curse no matter how we sliced it. I knew she was looking for answers, but I wasn’t going to make something up to deny or confirm her suspicions. About 60 minutes into the reading, I asked what card was pulled by the other readers that indicated she was cursed. In both cases, the Hanged Man was chosen. OMG, seriously?! I was expecting her to say the Devil or the Tower or perhaps the Ten of Swords. I leaned back in my chair, put down my cards, and proceeded to tell her a story that I have never really shared with anyone.
The Hanged Man
For starters, I explained to her that the Hanged Man is not a card of gloom and doom. There is nothing demonic about it and it certainly doesn’t indicate a curse. The symbolism on this card should not be taken literally. I believe this is where the reading went wrong. It’s an introspective card about going within and getting quiet so you can differentiate the noise around you from your own truth. It’s about connecting with your higher self and taking the time to understand what that is. The Hanged Man indicates that you may feel stuck in one place while waiting for answers to come. It can also mean a period of sacrifice but not that you are being sacrificed by a dark force as a punishment. One could liken it to hibernation or being suspended in time to gain insight before making any moves or decisions. Surrender to what is right now and use it as a learning experience. There is a lesson to be learned to serve you better in the future. This card played perfectly into our reading even though she did not pull that card with me. The energy was lingering and my reading helped bring that into the light.
Dirty Money
Getting back to my story, I shared with her that I endured an extremely volatile, dirty divorce. I was emotionally and mentally exhausted from trying to protect myself and my children and the court system was not helping. In desperation, I went to a psychic and had a reading done. Knowing what I know now, I was ripe for the picking. She played on all my fears and took me to the cleaners. I paid her an ungodly amount of money to help me, none of which did anything but deplete my savings and create more fear.
For this reason, I strive to offer ethical readings and will never capitalize on anyone’s vulnerability. Readings can be fun and informative but never costly or jeopardize one’s well-being. No one should ever leave a reading feeling like they are helpless victims and not understand what to do about it. This lovely woman carried a dark burden that never belonged to her because she trusted readers who had selfish intentions or simply didn’t understand the cards. She made the mistake of giving them too much information and they used it to their advantage. I call that dirty money!
Would You Hand a Stranger One Hundred Dollars?
It is wise to do some homework before enlisting the services of any card reader. What do you know about them? Have others you know been comfortable with their readings? How long have they been around? Would you hand a stranger a hundred dollars to give you their opinion about your life? Of course not! So, please, don’t fall prey to an unethical tarot or oracle card reader. If you select a card or get a reading from an automated site and don’t understand it, find someone who can help you. It is important to note that every reading is just an energetic snapshot of the moment and you have free will to change the direction of actions within your control. Life is messy. Cards can’t predict the future nor can they answer every question you have. Spirit only shares with you what you are ready to receive at that time. Cards are simply visual tools to help you along the way and when used properly, they can show you some of the disconnect between your conscious and subconscious mind.
For more information about my Sacred Alignment readings, go to my website: