Hello 2022
I find it somewhat bittersweet to say goodbye to one year and hello to another. Why? Answering that question is almost as hard as stating it. For me, it signifies another year gone. Another year older for all of us, which ultimately brings us closer to our own demise. I know that sounds morbid, but the awareness of time is a critical piece of my existence. My life is dictated by the clock and the calendar as I am sure most of you can relate to. I never feel like I have quite enough time to do all the things I want to do because I am too busy tending to the things I need to do. So, where does that leave us? Unless a sense of balance and purpose is established, we are just going to continue spinning our wheels while life passes us by. I think we should consider taking inventory of our jobs, our relationships, and our time-suckers to determine what or who is not working towards our greater good. A new year is always a good time to start such a process simply because it’s easy to remember when we started but it is not necessary. Time doesn’t really care when you start because it keeps on ticking whether we are present in it or not.
Forget About Resolutions
So, forget the resolutions this year and perhaps focus on things we can change or create to make better use of our time and energy. But how do we do that? For starters, I think it’s prudent to be mindful of our thoughts and actions. So much of our day is spent on autopilot that we rarely spend time in the moments. Those moments, especially the ones in between the big stuff, are the ones where we can make a difference. This year, I am going to set better intentions, remind myself to be more mindful of them, and then practice them as best I can. I’m a sensitive-type human, so I know I am going to hit some walls along the way, but I can always take a step back, reassess, and change directions when necessary. You can too!
I’ve come up with several mindful tips or mantras that I have chosen to incorporate into my existence this year, and I am going to share a few of the ones I think may be most helpful to the collective. After all, we are all connected to each other and any chance we can take to raise the vibrational frequency of each other and the world is a good place to start. We may not always see the positive effects in action, but we certainly feel them because being a good person is a very good thing, plain and simple.
We all want “nice” things. We work long and hard to acquire said “nice” things too. But once we have them, do they bring joy to anyone besides ourself? If so, what kind of joy and for how long? Let us not confuse this with material things that are necessary. We all need shelter, food, and transportation to move about and live our lives. Defining “nice” may mean different things to different people, so for today’s purpose, we will assume it means good quality but nothing extravagant. I think we tend to acquire a lot of stuff, most of which isn’t exactly necessary. On top of that, we are wasteful too. We want, want, want and then we move onto something else. It’s a sad cycle to be in, so I am choosing to create moments that have a purpose. I am going to invest in experiences, which will become part of me. Yes, these experiences may ultimately cost some money but money that is well spent. You can’t put a price tag on happiness, creating life-long memories, or exploring new horizons. All of these things could easily have a positive ripple effect on others, which helps build the momentum for more creation. Some ideas to consider:
*Learn something new or take a class
*Make the time to visit family or friends
*Host a small get together and catch up
*If someone crosses you mind, call or text them
*Explore a new location
*Spend time with your fur babies
*Take a walk in the woods
*Practice self-care
How many times has something spilled out of your mouth that has come back to bite you in the ass? People don’t care what your intentions were, they only care how they feel about it. Once someone is upset, hurt, or offended by what you say it is too late. The same goes for speaking your opinion or your truth. It can be risky business. I feel like I am constantly filtering my thoughts and my words to not offend anyone or appear uneducated. Now more than ever, we must be mindful of the fact that the words we use to express ourselves or convey information matters more than ever before. I don’t know about you, but when my words are used against me for whatever reason, I experience a lot of anxiety. That anxiety exhausts my body, overrides my ability to focus on other things, and robs me of time that could be spent doing something else. It’s a time-sucker for sure and trying to recover from it is not always possible. I am going to remind myself of these things this year:
*Get the facts before speaking. You can’t bring value to a conversation if you are only expressing what you believe to be true. Perspective and experience adds depth but arrogance and ignorance are a bad combination and will only complicate matters.
*Listen to your mom. If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.
*Knowledge is power. The time you invest in learning something about someone or something will up level your experiences and your opportunities.
*You don’t have to be educated to be smart or wise. Some of the most educated people I know lack common sense or social-emotional intelligence. Read the room and act accordingly. Being kind, even when someone else is not, will always serve the greater good and you will never have to worry about whether you said something you wished you hadn’t.
Random acts of kindness are wonderful things. The practice has gained trendy leverage over the years, much of which is often video-taped and shared for the whole world to see. Don’t get me wrong, anything that helps someone else or spreads joy in the world is a good thing but if it’s documented to that degree, how random was it?
I am an observant person. I watch people a lot and learn their likes and dislikes. I listen to them and make mental notes about their favorite things or special days throughout the year. It’s important to me to remember these things because it shows them I care and they matter. Instead of practicing random acts of kindness this year, I am going to practice deliberate acts of kindness such as:
*Handwritten notes or cards throughout the year
*Sending someone flowers or a gift just because
*Sharing activities together instead of doing it alone
*Creating care packages with a purpose
*Offering to help especially when I know they won’t ask
*A smile or a hello can make a person’s day
*Noticing when someone is trying
*Handmade gifts…a labor of love
*Expressing gratitude
*Showing compassion
Being Present
There are so many thing we can do to enrich our own lives simply by being present in someone else’s life. What we give, we get back and that makes life purposeful and more meaningful. When 2022 is over, are you going to reflect on the new clothes in your closet, the gym membership your rarely used, or the things you bought in your home? Or will you remember the experiences you had and/or shared with someone? Think about that for a minute. For me, “things” are fleeting and easily forgotten but remembering a good feeling or joyful memory is priceless and will last forever in one form or another.
What will you create or change in 2022? The possibilities are endless and one step in the right direction may change the course of your life forever.