The Willow Connection

Apple Cider Liqueur

Fabulous Fall Fun

JoAnne Lussier

Mother Nature’s Gifts

Autumn in New England is a sumptuous bounty of sensory gratification. What many of us call “leaf peeping” is a visual wonderland of eye candy ranging from bright yellows, brilliant oranges, and crimson reds. When the sun is shining just right, the view is almost breathtaking. The crisp air and the smell of fall earth linger about like lovers captured in a longing embrace. Clusters of ripe wild grapes mingle with the breeze carrying the most intoxicating aroma of tangy sweetness. Tired leaves drift to the ground to rekindle with their maker while luscious apples dangle on burdened branches longing to be plucked and savored. Orange pumpkins blanket the landscape of farms and gardens awaiting their fate as traditional jack-o-lanterns or Thanksgiving pie. Flowers once erect and full of life hang their heads in a final bow of glory as they wither away like forgotten soldiers. Tall corn stalks are husked to expose their kernels of truth in a brazen display of gold or calico colors only to be bundled back together and tethered to lampposts and hay-stuffed scarecrows. Animals and humans scurry around in a mindful presence racing against time to ready themselves for the long, dark days of winter. Fall is the time of year to be thankful for an abundant harvest and reflect upon the importance of cyclical changes.  For me, autumn is like coming home after a long journey to reconnect with family and friends and share the blessings Mother Nature has offered throughout the season.

Family Traditions

When my daughters were very young, I wanted to offer them experiences I never had when I was growing up and apple picking was one of them.  I admit that I probably enjoyed these first experiences more than they did because it was my attempt to live these moments of wonder through their eyes. A local orchard hosts a family event every Columbus Day weekend offering free cider and donuts, hay rides to the field to pick apples and pumpkins, and lively entertainment. My family doesn’t practice many traditions but apple picking is one that my daughters and I still enjoy even though they are grown and now on their own.  It’s something simple that I started never realizing it would hold so much value to all of us. Someday I hope to experience this when they are mothers so I can watch them relive their childhood memories in the eyes of their children.

Apple Cider That Packs a Punch

When I was taking classes for my herbal certification, one of the topics was about cordial making. Herbs and spices have a laundry list of therapeutic benefits but also make food and drinks more palatable and enjoyable. It’s natural to utilize what is readily available to us at different times of the year and apples are everywhere in the fall especially in New England.

One of my favorite ways to enjoy apple cider is to brew a spicy fall cordial or liqueur. The recipe is very forgiving and can be altered to individual tastes. It does take about a month to brew, so plan accordingly if you are serving to guests for the holidays. I am certain they will be impressed with your homemade concoction of joy.

Spicy Fall Liqueur

2 ¼ cups apple cider

½ cup brown sugar

½ cup white sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

1-2 cinnamon sticks

½ tsp each of cloves, ginger, nutmeg, and allspice

1 cup brandy

1 cup vodka

Mason Jars

Bring sugars and cider to boil to dissolve sugar. Remove from heat. Add vanilla and spices. When cooled, add brandy and vodka. Put in large mason jars and cover. Let stand for 1 month. Gently shake several times during the month. When done, strain spices and put into another sealed jar or ornamental bottle for gift giving.

This is fantastic as a shot, warm or cold. It can also be added to tea or beverages of your choice. I discovered that it is also very tasty when added to homemade applesauce or drizzled over ice cream.

Since there is alcohol in it, each batch has a long shelf life. My last batch lasted a year before I used it up, so you can easily make this last all year until next fall rolls around for a new brew.

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