The Willow Connection

Ask Your Heart 2021

The Heart of the Matter

JoAnne Lussier

Old Patterns and Pitfalls

Would you agree that humans are creatures of habit? Yet, each year millions of us make New Year’s resolutions to change how we behave. Sadly, most of us don’t make it past the first month or so without feeling like a failure. It’s too hard, I’m too busy, I can’t afford it, etc., are all common reasons why we give up and resume our comfortable patterns. Why do we set ourselves up for failure year after year knowing the chances are slim to none that we are going to follow through? It feels a bit sadistic when you really think about. Intentions and resolutions are great but never acted upon are no more than fleeting thoughts. So why do we do it? I think most of us long to make positive changes in ourselves but change requires commitment and work. Many of us lack the discipline to do more than we are required to do in any given amount of time. We mean well but we just don’t give it the attention required to see results. Hence, another personal failure to chip away at our self-esteem. What if, instead, we looked at this from another angle? Perhaps there is an easier method to making traditional resolutions and intentions work in our favor.

Intentions, Resolutions, and the Heart

An intention is a plan. A resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something. So, what is an intention vs. a resolution? Resolutions are rigid and fixed giving little wiggle room for change while an intention allows for expansion and growth. It’s fluid and flexible. Often, our resolutions are based on what we believe others think we should do to better ourselves such as lose weight, exercise more, drink less alcohol or caffeine, get a degree, etc. Intentions feel a bit more personal and suggest a willingness to want to achieve our resolutions or goals on our terms without a rigid framework. More along the lines of slow and steady wins the race.

So why did I suggest asking your heart what it wants? It sounds a bit silly, doesn’t it? “Ummm, heart…what do you want?” Ever hear the phrase: The heart wants what the heart wants? While it’s true that the heart sometimes seems to want something or someone that isn’t good for you, it also knows that if you listen long enough it will give you clues as to why. In a nutshell, your heart is your driving force. It can compel you into great things or drive you deep into depression when it’s broken. Maybe your heart doesn’t really need a relationship with another person to feel whole. Maybe it wants a relationship with you instead so it can fully heal. Maybe your heart doesn’t care if you go to the gym every day. Maybe it just wants you take better care of yourself and love your body. Maybe you don’t need to a new career. Maybe you just need to find a job that fulfills you and supports your financial needs. Maybe your heart doesn’t care what other people think you should do or want. Instead, it just wants you to seek your own happiness and run with it.

What Does Your Heart Say?

How does one go about asking the heart what it wants? Well, there is no right or wrong way to do this. Those who meditate are already familiar with posing a question and then waiting for answers. For others, using oracle cards, tarot cards, or prayer may be your method of choice to communicate with your heart. Maybe you use a combination of these and that is great if it works for you. The best suggestion I can offer to anyone wishing to experiment with this alternative is to simply get comfortable and quiet for whatever time is manageable for you.  Formulate a solid question in your mind before you begin and then ask. Once you have done this, you have given it to the Universe and set it in motion. There is no harm in writing this question down and reading it daily as it helps amplify the request. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t get an answer right away. Many times, your answer comes in symbolism or signs throughout the course of your day or in your dreams at night.  Be mindful of such occurrences because what may seem like a coincidence is most likely a piece of the puzzle you are seeking.  The more you practice, the easier it will become to ask and be answered. If ritual is important to you, say a prayer asking for your greatest good and highest healing to be included and that no harm will be done to yourself or anyone involved. I do advise limiting your questions to one at a time and don’t ask yes or no questions. Phrase your question something like this: “What does my heart wish for in this current time and space that will help me feel _____ or achieve _____. 

Go ahead, ask your heart what it wants and be willing to make the changes in your life that can create a better and happier you. Your heart will thank you for it!

Check out another blog pertaining to matters of the heart –